Posts Tagged ‘musicians’

Ideas in the Shower Could Make You the Next Millionaire!

January 29, 2011

Have you ever had an idea for an invention but thought it might be too crazy to market?  Hang onto that idea, because it might not be as crazy as you think.  A few years ago, Mark Knudsen came up with the idea of “AquaNotes”, which is a waterproof notepad that allows you to write things down while in the shower, such as crazy invention ideas.  Knudsen happened to come up with the idea for this product while he was taking a shower.  He explained in an interview with AOL News that some of his best ideas have come to him in the shower.  His waterproof notepads have helped many people in different professions such as musicians, businesspeople, and even comedians.  Musicians can write down lyrics that come to mind, while businesspeople can jot down some last-minute notes for their next meeting.  Comedians can pen a joke with the help of “AquaNotes” so they don’t have to recall it from memory.  Who would have thought that such a simple novelty like this would be able to assist different people?  Because of Knudsen’s initiative, he was able to make his idea come to life.

Have you ever had an idea for an invention but thought it might be too crazy to market?  Hang onto that idea, because it might not be as crazy as you think.The great thing about the United States is that its people are full of creative ideas.  Most people who come up with a brilliant idea for an invention don’t follow through and produce it, though.  It’s time to turn that trend around!  Where would we be if Steve Jobs or Bill Gates never followed their dreams of creating the first personal computer or operating system?  We all have the potential to do something great with our lives, so the next time you have a great idea or come up with an invention, go for it.  You just have to take the chance because you never know what the outcome might be!

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Joie Montoya