Posts Tagged ‘train’

How to be More Fuel Efficient

April 1, 2011

With gas prices on the rise, you may want to know how to be more fuel efficient.  Being fuel efficient will help your wallet and our planet.  There are plenty of things you can do to save money on gas and contribute to a greener planet.  Driving a hybrid or electric car is a great way to save money at the pump and the environment, but not everyone can afford one.  Nevertheless, here are a few things that may work for you:

  • With rising fuel costs, becoming more fuel efficient will help you save money and the environment at the same time.Walking, riding a bike, or skateboarding to school, a grocery store, a friend’s house, or just about anywhere within your town not only saves you gas money, but it helps the environment and is great exercise.
  • Taking the bus or train to commute to work is much cheaper than gas, especially if you buy a bus or train pass.
  • Carpooling is a great way to help other people save money on gas and helps the environment.
  • For those who can’t carpool or take the train or bus to work, driving a smaller car with good gas mileage will work, too.

All of these tips work for many people.  Working close to home is great for me because I can take the bus, skateboard, or walk.  Being fuel efficient is a very important thing to do these days.  Not only is gas becoming expensive, but its emissions continue to ruin our environment.  Do your part and reduce your fuel consumption.  It is very simple and you can even get good exercise from it!

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Taylor P.